Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Some of the reasons I love living in Nebraska! This is what I found on my way into work a few weeks ago...turkeys!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


A woman I knew from high school put this sit up on her wall feed a few weeks ago:

I waited I think one week for them to invite me after I sent in my email address.  I think they do this to weed out the spammers. Anywho, the site is a virtual pinboard.  Very cool!  You find pictures from all over the web and 'pin' them up on self-created boards.  You can go through the site, looking at others boards and pin their stuff to your stuff.

It's just such a cool place to find new things that I would never before have the chance to look for or even wrap my head around looking for. I definitely think that you should check it out and sign up!

Some of my coolest finds: